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First World Problems….

I once drew so heavily on a cigarette, that my face folded in on itself and momentarily became a tiny naval dockyard!

Zeeko The Cat

Twas a fine Monday morning, but not for little Zeeko, His stomach was rumbling, hard and turbulent like a plane ride through a tornado. Food was the only thing on his mind, that, and licking his own balls, but one had to come first, the food that is, the licking for now could be thrown … Continue reading

Jealousy, you vile beast!

I’m an intensely jealous person. I have a friend who seems to sleep with a different girl pretty much every night of the week. I envy that immensely. I know he may have abandonment issues, and therefore he needs to feel loved and wanted and that is why he womanizes the way he does, but … Continue reading

The Unbelievable Truth

This is a very fun game to play with a group of people. What you do is this, You pick a random subject that you know quite a bit about, say, “Koalas”. Then you write out a written speech/lecture which you will read out to people. Within the speech/lecture, you will try to sneak in … Continue reading


If Elephants are so smart, then how come we never see them multitusk?

Work In Progress…..

INT – It is a dark, rainy night. An enormous Neon-lit city, of a quite futuristic look, is seen from a birds-eye view about 500 metres above the ground. The camera pans down towards the ground level at a slow to begin with pace, but as it nears the ground, it pans quicker and quicker. … Continue reading


Name the song AND the artist from this lyric snippet “Hey Hey We’re the Monkees”. Go.

Can Anyone Answer This For Me?

Why on Earth are houses so expensive? I mean, here in Australia, a typical, average house will set you back about 400,ooo dollars or so. Houses are made of wood, or that special blue steel that I’ve seen on the TV. The building materials all involved in making a house cannot be worth 400,000 dollars. … Continue reading

The Nice Chef – Short Story

Originally posted on SarcasticGoat:
There is a man. He studied the cooking arts. He fried, sauteed and frizzled things with effortless ease. His dream of becoming a professional chef was realized the day he turned 21. Life was his oyster, and oysters were a specialty of his! He revolutionized the way people cooked food. His…

The Best Show Ever

It’s called Would I Lie To You. It’s on the BBC in the United Kingdom. It’s a comedy/quiz/panel show. Two teams of comedians, or actors or journalists or whatever are pitted against one another. They are given a statement to read, and the other team has to work out whether or not the statement is … Continue reading

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October 2014
Tactically Speaking

The quickest way to learn football tactics.

Silent Songs of Sonsnow

"I have enough time to rest, but I don't have a minute to waste". Come and catch me with your wise words and we will have some fun with our words of wisdom.


"Through Confusion and Quiet Collusion"

Race Sim Central

The latest on sim racing and racing games.


pro football thoughts from a fiery Portuguese mind

New Lune

A blog full of tips, inspiration and freebies!

Educated Unemployed Indian

Trying to benefit from education & (a little) from unemployment!

Viral Images and Quotes

Just another WordPress site