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Scenario….What Do You Do?

Use your imaginations folks,


You’re all alone at home. It’s midnight. It’s windy and raining heavily and lightning is cracking and flashing quite close to your house. You’re a very wealthy person, so your house is huge and mansion like with lots and lots of rooms, two storey house with a basement with a wine cellar and also a fully functional theatre room. You’re sitting on your lush couch watching Sharknado 2 on your laptop(the DVD disk is clean and sharp), you’re eating a bowl of healthy kale, garlic and quinoa salad which you’re eating with antique steel cutlery, you’ve also got a glass of red wine next to you on a little table made of very heavy marble. The bottle of wine with the corkscrew still in the cork is next to your glass of wine. Your laptop is running on battery because power is out from the storm. You have a plethora of games and technology on your laptop, you basically have everything, home movie editing, making programs, internet, social media etc. Your walls are adorned with historic portraits of famous people throughout history. You have a few historic costumes in your attic too, you like dressing up a historic figures from time to time. You have a Medieval crossbow hangin up on your bedroom wall with only about 5 bolts for it. No modern guns or anything, because you’re sensible. You have family member that live a few miles away in the poorer parts of, let’s say, Upstate New York. You’ve got a great life, you’re all set…..you’re watching Sharknado 2, and perhaps you’ll write a scorning sarcastic blog post about it on your hugely successful blog with 1 million ardent followers.

Halfway through the movie, you hear thumping on your front door, very loud thumping. You let it go, might be some kids playing a prank. But it continues a few minutes longer, continually. It gets louder and louder and you hear a voice shouting for you to come out. You get up and answer the door, no one is there, your porch is lit up brightly, and you can’t see anyone anywhere near the house.

You close the door and lock it securely. Sit back down to continue watching Sharknado 2. You then hear loud footsteps in the room next to you on the hardwood floor, the footsteps run off down into the basement and the basement door slams shut, again loudly!

You tepidly wander over to the basement door, you open it very slowly, you look in……..and you see a terrifying thing;

there’s a zombie, a werewolf, a vampire and a Terminator going through your wine collection. And they mean you harm. You have to deal with them in some way, violent or non-violent, you can’t call the police because the phones are down and your mobile phone doesn’t work, service is out.

Given the various little details I’ve littered throughout the scenario, or just make up your own way to deal with them, how do you deal with the evil intruders!?


About SarcasticGoat

Just a chilled out goat who likes sitting back, drinking lemonade and thinking about the world.


3 thoughts on “Scenario….What Do You Do?

  1. I know I said the power is out, which it is, so when I said ‘the porch was lit up brightly, doesn’t make sense right? Well it’s lit up for some other reason, you’ll have to explain how it’s lit up, and how it might help you deal with your intruders. 😉

    Posted by sarcasticgoat | July 13, 2015, 5:03 pm
  2. Didn’t hear anything. I’m deaf.

    Posted by Thumbup | July 13, 2015, 9:10 pm

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